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Building Our Future, Today: A New Home for the College of Education

new building

The University of Utah has announced that the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts and Education Complex, currently in final design and scheduled to be completed in November 2013, will be expanded and become the new home for the College of Education. To accommodate faculty and staff in the College of Education, the $32 million complex will be expanded from its original size of 82,000 square feet to 110,000 square feet. Additionally, the construction site for the complex has been re-located to the east side of Milton Bennion Hall on what was originally a U soccer field. The new building site provides the College of Education, the College of Fine Arts, and the Virginia Tanner Dance Program considerably more space and the opportunity to construct the Sorenson Complex on higher ground. This will open up expansive landscaping; better views across campus and into the mountains; and significant energy savings.

The new site plan for the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts and Education Complex calls for the College of Education space, including the David O. and Emma Ray McKay Centers for Education, the Arts, and Science and two floors of faculty and staff space to be located at the north-west end of the building with the College of Education entrance opening up to the heart of the main campus and directly into to the new university pedestrian mall. The plans also call for the south entrance of the Sorenson Complex to come directly off the Business Loop and connect to the Virginia Tanner Dance Program. All student and public gathering spaces, studios, conference rooms, executive board room, classrooms, and auditorium space are retained in the expanded design.  

Last Updated: 3/15/21